Morley Meadow
C of E Primary School
This is the latest completed example of twenty five primary school projects that have become known as the Persimmon Model School. Richard originally developed the model school concept whilst working at Stride Treglown as part of a S106 obligation for a development at Calne, Wiltshire, in 2001.
Acting now as Consultant for these model school projects, Philipson Knowle are responsible for developing the client brief, adapting the model to suit requirements and agreeing outline proposals, obtaining planning approval and overseeing the delivery of the construction stage of the project.
This new school, completed in 2021, sits within Saltram Meadows residential development in Plymstock. The school comprises fourteen classes with nursery, community facilities and a 3G artificial turf pitch, located within a disused quarry.
Morley Meadow C of E Primary School demonstrates once again the flexibility of the model to adapt to its particular surroundings and end user requirements.